Tami Mowen Steggell

Tami Steggell is a former architectural designer who founded RubySnap Fresh Cookies in 2008, an exceptional cookie company famous for using fresh ingredients in innovative flavor combinations. Admired for being a tastemaker and leader in recipe development, Tami focuses on the use of clean and natural ingredients to deliver amazing flavor that your body can celebrate eating.

Tami has appeared in Where Women do Business magazine on Truth in Building a Brand, been a guest speaker on Harvesting Happiness for Hero’s Talk Radio, American Underdog Radio, NuSkin and been appointed in many teaching and speaking engagements at the University of Utah, Westminster College, BYU Hawaii, LDS Business College and other venue’s on topics such as: Trademarking, Branding, Small Business Strategies, Entrepreneurialism, Leadership and Social Media.

Hobbies include photography and graphic design.